I asked an expert about the problem of not being able to follow TikTok!

Updated on 2023-04-18
This section discusses "How to deal with and work around the problem of not being able to follow on TikTok". It introduces the causes and solutions to the unfollowing problem, and suggests updating the app, setting up accounts, avoiding abusive behavior, and listening to feedback from users as future measures.

The problem of not being able to follow on TikTok is a very stressful situation for users. In many cases, however, simple remedies can solve the problem. In this article, we will discuss specific ways to deal with the problem of not being able to follow on TikTok.

1. what are the causes of not being able to follow on TikTok?

There are many reasons why you cannot follow on TikTok, but first check your account settings. If your settings are not correct, you may not be able to follow. You may also not be able to follow if your version of the app is out of date, so we recommend updating to the latest version of the app. Additionally, you may not be able to follow due to the app's cache. In this case, clearing the cache may solve the problem.

Below are the details of each cause.

1-1. account settings may be incorrect

If your account settings are incorrect, you may not be able to follow up. For example, if your account is set to private, other users will not be able to follow you. You may also not be able to follow a blocked user. Please check your account settings to make sure there are no problems.


1-2. you may not be able to follow if the version of the application is old

You may not be able to follow on TikTok if you have an older version of the app. Updating to the latest version of the app may solve this problem. We recommend updating to the latest version from the app store.

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1-3. you may not be able to follow due to the app cache

In some cases, you may not be able to follow due to the app's cache. In this case, clearing the app's cache may solve the problem. To clear the cache, select "Manage Applications" from the Settings menu, select TikTok, then select "Storage" and tap "Clear Cache".


One of the reasons why you may not be able to follow an app is because of the app's cache. The cache is temporary data needed to use an app, and when this data is no longer needed, it is deleted.

However, if too much cache is accumulated, the app may become unstable and functions such as follow-up may not work properly. In this case, clearing the app's cache may solve the problem.

To clear the cache, open the TikTok app, go to the profile screen, tap the three-dot reader icon in the upper right corner, select "Settings and Privacy" > "Storage" > "Clear Cache".

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2. What should I do if I can't follow you on TikTok?

If you are experiencing problems with not being able to follow, you can take the following steps

2-1. restart the application

Restarting the app may resolve the temporary error. You can force-quit the application from Task Manager and restart it.

2-2. check account settings

If your account settings are incorrect, you may not be able to follow up. Check the account settings and change them if necessary to resolve the issue.

2-3. update the application

If the version of the application is out of date, some functions may not work properly. This can be resolved by checking for updates to the application and updating to the latest version.

2-4. clear the cache

If there is a problem with the app's cache, it may not work properly. Clearing the cache from the app's settings can solve the problem.

2-5. contact the user directly

If the above methods do not resolve the issue, you can contact TikTok's customer support. Explain the details of your problem and request a response.

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The first step is to restart the app. Restarting the app may temporarily resolve the issue.

Second, it is important to check your account settings. If there is a problem with your account settings, you may not be able to follow up.

Updating the app is one way to resolve unfollowing issues. If the version is out of date, you may not be able to follow.

Clearing the cache may improve the app's behavior. If too much cache is accumulated, the app may become sluggish or glitchy.

Finally, contacting the user directly may solve the problem. By contacting the user directly, the specific cause of the problem can be identified and a solution can be derived.

Each of these solutions is described in detail below.

3. what should I be aware of in the future to avoid TikTok unfollowing issues?

3-1. always update the app to the latest version

TikTok's development team is constantly improving the app and updating it to the latest version for new features and security enhancements. Delays in updating may cause problems such as not being able to follow you.

3-2. set up your account settings correctly

Account settings include public coverage and privacy settings. If your settings are incorrect, other users may not follow you. Recheck your settings and change them if necessary.

3-3. avoiding unauthorized activity

TikTok strictly enforces the law against fraudulent or illegal activities. Any unauthorized activity may result in your account being frozen or temporarily restricted. Be sure to behave appropriately.

3-4. listen to user feedback

Feedback from users helps us improve the application and solve problems. It is important to report any glitches or problems to official support or provide feedback via social networking sites.


If you encounter a problem with not being able to follow on TikTok, we recommend that you first try the following solutions: restart the app, check your account settings, update the app, clear the cache, or contact the user directly. Also, to avoid similar problems in the future, keep the app updated to the latest version, set your account settings correctly, avoid abusive behavior, and listen to user feedback.