What is togetter?You don't know how fun Twitter can be!

Updated on 2022-10-31
Togetter is a curation site that allows you to create summary articles based on tweets posted on Twitter . It was released in 2009 as a web service operated by Togetter Co., Ltd.

 I think many people have the feeling that Twitter will become a new communication platform. This is because things that were previously invisible are being made visible on Twitter, and new communication is being born. It has been difficult to imagine situations in which Masayoshi Son of Softbank or Hiroshi Mikitani of Rakuten communicating directly with users.

 In addition to this new form of communication, Twitter is also increasing in value because new uses, ideas, and services are being created one after another based on Twitter.

 The ease of 140 characters allows many people to output and share their feelings and information. Even machines (programs on servers) called "bots" tweet updates on the real world. The rest is a matter of how to filter, process, search, and statistically process it.

 Twitter was initially popular among geeks because there was some inkling of these possibilities, an API that could be played with and experimented with. The experiments are still ongoing and the API continues to evolve. I get the impression that no one has really seen the whole picture of Twitter yet.

What is Togetter?

Togetter is a curation site that allows you to create summary articles based on tweets posted on Twitter . It was released in 2009 as a web service operated by Togetter Co., Ltd.

As services of the same company, "Togatch" and "min.t" have been released, but Togetter, which has been continuously operated for more than 10 years, is the most famous service among them.

It is said that more than 100,000 summary articles are created each year on Togetter, and the creator of the summary article picks up the tweets of people who are tweeting about the topic they want to summarize and summarizes them into a single article. is one of the major usage methods.

Twitter-related services of note from Japan are popping up one after another

 Twitter is a service that originated in the U.S., but a number of noteworthy Twitter-related services have emerged from Japan. These include "Favotte," "Togetter," "Tsuitele," and "OKetter.

 Favotte" is a service that visualizes information such as "favorite" star icons clicked or clicked on in response to a comment. This is a function originally provided by Twitter, but it is rarely used by the original Twitter service. However, among Twitter users, even if they do not dare to reply to a particular comment, they may still respond with positive nods such as "Oh, yes, that's right," "That's interesting! However, among Twitter users, "Fubori" is used as an act equivalent to an affirmative nod, such as "Oh, yes, that's interesting," "I see," or "I see. By making this visible, it is interesting to see non-vocal communication that has not been directly visible.

 Togetter is a service that collects the tweets of a specific person or multiple people into a single list and posts a permalink to the list. Unlike hashtags or search summaries, it is new in that it artificially collects statements on a certain theme and makes them into new content.

 Twitele is a service that allows viewers to share their tweets as they have done in front of the TV, as if they were entering a virtual chat room for each channel on TV. Tele offers a different kind of added value than Twitter.

 OKetter is a service released by OKWave, a leading Q&A site operator. OKWave is the OEM provider of the engine for many Q&A sites in Japan, and OKetter is an attempt to do the same thing as that Q&A bulletin board, but in 140 characters. It is easier to ask questions, and the answers are more straightforward.

 Both of these services should be seen as new services that create added value based on Twitter, rather than as supplementary services that make Twitter easier to use.





Togetter is interesting!

 As I am a creator of written content, I see great potential in Togetter in particular. although the service itself was released a while ago, at the end of September 2009, its use seems to have recently become more active. Page views have been increasing rapidly due to the appearance of several high-profile year-end summaries.

 Although there is a system called RT (retweet: re-tweeting someone's words as is or with comments) on Twitter, everything basically flows away in real time, and it is difficult to grasp the whole picture of interactions between people who do not follow each other. Filtering using hashtags and search has the following problems

- There is a lot of duplication and unrelated comments (noise)

- Cannot pick up statements from people who do not use hashtags

- Can only look at chronological order

- Searching does not pick up old statements before a certain period of time

 However, if you follow too many people on Twitter in order to watch for interesting comments, it will become even more confusing. The truth is, there are interesting tweets, discussions, fights, and tuda-ing on Twitter every day, but many people don't see these sporadic "high-profile communications.

 Togetter is a tool that captures and makes visible such high-profile content on Twitter.

 The basic function of Togetter is simple. It simply pulls the comments of any user (by dragging and dropping in a web browser) and rearranges them in a new list. The idea is as simple as Twitter, but the usage is quite expansive. Several types of usage have already emerged, and I will summarize them below (this is just my classification for the sake of convenience in introducing the service). Incidentally, Twitter-watching may become more fun if you follow @togetter_jp, a bot that regularly tweets summary lists that are gaining attention on Togetter.


How to create a list on Togetter. Select tweets from the timeline that appears on the left, and drag and drop them into the pane on the right.


Tweets to be read in Togetter's list creation can be specified by user name, keyword, or list.